Interview: Actor Terenia Barlow on TEECHERS LEAVERS ‘22 tour

The world premiere tour of John Godber’s Teechers Leavers ‘22 has recently embarked on a countrywide tour. We spoke to cast member Terenia Barlow about the show and their character in the piece.

Can you tell us (in your own words) what Teechers Leavers ‘22 is about?

Teechers is a funny, uplifting and relevant piece of writing told through very different and funny characters. This show brings a comedic aspect to issues that still occur in the educational system today.

Can you tell us about your character?

My character Hobby is a tough cookie on the outside who is unknowingly funny to others. Despite this exterior, she has a troubled past and I believe it takes a lot for her to trust others, which she has found in Salty, Gail and her new drama teacher.

What attracted you to the role?

I remember watching a production of Teechers in my first year of drama school and fell in love with the play. The specificity through minimalistic props and stage design, allowing the actors to have to be so in tune with what they were delivering to an audience. I really thought it was amazing to watch.

What was your favourite thing about school?

I wasn't a huge fan of secondary school, however my favourite thing was probably the after school musical theatre society. Being surrounded by kids who all appreciated theatre was an amazing feeling and I felt very safe in that environment. And it also meant we got time out of lesson for rehearsals!

What can audiences expect from this production?

Audiences can expect to see marvellous creations of characters, questionable dance moves and a whole lot of fun and potential tears.

What do you think audiences will take away from this production?

I believe this play is relevant for all audiences as we are able to see different characters' perspectives as to how our educational system is run and how differently we perceive this. I hope this show can leave audiences feeling inspired .

How would you describe the production in one word?


Teechers Leavers ‘22 tours the country until May 2023, with further information available here.


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