Interview: Actor Aaron Anthony on A DOLL’S HOUSE at Sheffield Crucible

A fresh and resonant new production of Henrik Ibsen’s powerful drama, A Doll’s House, will open at Sheffield Crucible later this week, directed by Elin Schofield and adapted by Chris Bush. We caught up with Aaron Anthony (Macbeth, Shakespeare’s Globe; The Motive and the Cue, National Theatre) during rehearsals, who plays Dr Rank in this new adaptation.

What is A Doll's House about and tell us a little bit about your character?

A Doll’s House is about Nora and her husband Torvald. The play takes place over three days that completely changes their marriage. I play Dr Rank who is the couple’s best friend and visits them everyday, often keeping Nora company while Torvald works.

What new ideas or angles has Chris Bush brought to the play with their adaptation?

A Doll’s House is one of those timeless plays and I don’t think Chris could have written a more perfect adaptation for here and now. All of the characters feel full and complex, human and relatable. It’s both beautifully layered and incredibly naturalistic. She’s managed to fill it with emotion without being overly sentimental. I think it’s an absolute sucker punch of a play!

This is your Sheffield Theatres' debut - what is it like to work at the venue?

I was excited to work here and now that I have, I really understand why Sheffield Theatres has the excellent reputation that it does. It has this very low key, down to earth vibe while making world class theatre! I love that.

How are you finding creating work for a thrust stage rather than a traditional proscenium arch venue?

I enjoy working in thrust theatres. For us as actors, and for the audience, it’s exciting. Every move you make you have to be aware of the audience, you can’t not be, and that’s quite electric.

Elin Schofield is becoming a regular Sheffield Theatres director. How are you finding working with Elin who is very much a rising talent?

Elin is incredibly dedicated and hard working. I think her mind works at super speed and yet on the surface, she’s very cool, calm and collected. It’s a big play to take on in only four weeks of rehearsal but I feel like we’ve really steadily moved along and have been able to pack a lot into the process. We’ve paid attention to details about the world and the characters that’s made it very tangible and real to us.

It’s felt like a truly collaborative project and Elin has a really generous capacity for supporting and empowering those she’s collaborating with.

You've performed in quite a few classic plays throughout your career so far - what appeals to you about working on them?

I love when you read a play that might have been written many, many years ago and yet you can totally identify with the story and characters. I enjoy the challenge of giving that same experience to an audience. I think that’s really powerful and shows just how transcending theatre can be. Also, I’ve always loved history and being able to look at a different period through a play is fascinating.

What else would you like to achieve in your acting career in the future?

I’d love to keep making work that I would want to see. Working with people who inspire me. Some of my favourite actors are the ones who, when you watch their work, whatever it is, you know and trust that it’s going to be exciting, real and moving. It would be a huge achievement to me if I could get to that level.

What can audiences expect from this new production of A Doll's House? Why should they come along to see it?

When I read the play, I was gripped by the story and now seeing these characters come to life, seeing Nora so brilliantly brought to life by Siena Kelly, I think the audience will be right there with her. It’s an emotional rollercoaster; the design is awesome, we have Mel Lowe playing live piano beautifully, the casting is great, the whole team is so talented. I think all that makes for pretty unmissable theatre!

A Doll’s House plays at Sheffield Crucible from 21 September - 12 October, with further info here.


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