HOME Manchester to live stream all of their planned November shows

HOME Manchester

With the announcement that all theatres will have to close again in line with the second national lockdown, HOME Manchester have announced that they will live stream all of the shows that they had lined up for November.

The line up includes David Hoyle’s A Great Auction of my Life, exploring the value of items compared to experiences and ultimately human life. Javaad Alipoor’s The Believers Are But Brothers will also move online. This new play tells the story of a generation of young men going through a crisis of masculinity that draws them into an online world of radicalisation. The line up also features Bert and Nasi’s The End and Beat and Elements’ High Rise Estate of Mind.

The End is a new dance show depicting the end of a relationship as the couple both imagine what life without each other would be like, whilst High Rise Estate of Mind exposes young people’s fear of where they will live, and the system that people have to go through to find a safe and clean home that they can afford. Daniel Kitson’s Dot.Dot.Dot, which was conceived as an online production, will also feature where he presents his account of the last six devastating and overly ridiculous months.  

Following Saturday’s announcement of a second lockdown, HOME put their plans into action to move the planned shows online, with each show filmed with strict Covid-19 protocols. As well as streaming these shows, the venue is also working with film distributors to make a selection of films available to watch from home.

HOME Director and CEO, Dave Moutrey, said: “We at HOME had gone to great lengths to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for our audiences when we reopened, and the feedback from visitors has been that they felt we had gone above and beyond in every way. Our team had worked tirelessly and we had been enjoying sold out, socially distanced film screenings, had incredibly managed to bring live theatre back to the stage and had just this weekend reopened our gallery with three simultaneous exhibitions.

“While it is devastating to have to close again, we have always known this was a possibility, and so the team have incredibly been working to not only produce live events but also to always have a plan B which would allow us to provide enriching entertaining cultural experiences digitally until we could reopen again.”

For more information, please click here.

Rebecca Wallis

Rebecca is a self-confessed theatre obsessive, with a particular love for musicals. She has loved writing for as long as she can remember and combining this love with her passion for theatre has been one of the best decisions she’s ever made. She is currently studying journalism, with hopes of making her theatre blogging into a career one day. Her favourite ever musical is Half A Sixpence, and she could tell you anything that you could ever want to know about that show. She is honoured to be a part of the West End Best Friend team and cannot wait to see how the page grows and grows.


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