Fuel to present eight new light sculptures created by lighting designers in locations across the UK

The Litten Tree

Temporary light sculptures will be set up in eight local communities around the UK, created by a number of renowned lighting designers.

The Litten Trees, produced by Fuel, invites people to look again at the landscapes they pass each day, to see the resilience and tenacity that has been so necessary in this last year reflected in nature’s determination to keep going in the hope of a brighter tomorrow. 

Each participating lighting designer has chosen trees near to where they have lived in lockdown and to which they feel an affinity.

The Litten Trees take many forms: from pines shaped by the Atlantic winds in Cornwall through hazel groves in the Welsh valleys and a dance of oaks in Glasgow to a sleepy willow on Humberside. They are found in parks and in woodland walks, but also in housing estates and beside our playgrounds.

The trees will be seen in their new colours on the last three days before the official end of winter: on the evenings of the 25, 26 & 27 March. They will also be the stars of a short film by filmmaker Hugo Glendinning, also entitled The Litten Trees, to be released in May. 

Details of The Litten Tree locations will be published on Fuel’s website here on 15 March.


Review: BIRDS AND BEES, Theatre Centre


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