Fringe review: SHOTGUNNED, TheSpace @ Surgeons Hall

The Edinburgh Fringe offers an amazing platform for companies to showcase new and exciting work. Emerging Scottish playwright Matt Anderson and filmmaker Joseph Cobb have joined forces to create Kangaroo Court, a company looking to establish themselves in the Edinburgh Fringe circuit and beyond. Kangaroo Court is a new creative studio and after a short run at Brighton Fringe and a regional tour, they are now bringing their debut play Shotgunned to Edinburgh.

Shotgunned is written and directed by Matt Anderson, and produced by Anderson alongside Joseph Cobb and Joseph Coyle. The story follows Dylan, played by Fraser Allan Hogg, and Roz, played by Lorna Panton, a couple who unexpectedly fall out of love. Shotgunned is a new, intimate piece of theatre centred around the people we lose that shape who we become.

We witness Dylan and Roz’s relationship as a non-linear tale. A bold, yet, for those accustomed to plays such as Lemons Lemons Lemons or Constellations, a perhaps obvious choice. However, Anderson does superbly to ensure the story is clear and well-constructed. The characters have depth and the story has heart, aspects that are surprising to have for a first debut show. The audience is captivated by the text and actors from the opening few lines. Hogg has a nerd-ish likeability and charm when playing Dylan, moving from a nervous disposition to a lovable, eager, confident man. Panton’s Roz seems a little stand-offish at first but develops into a compassionate and caring individual, making it all the more heartbreaking when faced with the couple’s challenges. Interestingly, neither is presented as the villain - you root and feel for both characters. The actors have wonderful chemistry together. The pair - and team - deal with some tricky themes (no spoilers here) in a very honest and real way.

Although performed in a black box theatre, with limited room and therefore limited staging, Anderson does well to create the world around them using only three boxes and minimal props. It proves you don’t need a big budget or elaborate set to create a great show. The talent and passion radiating from the (slightly) raised stage is enough.

It is an intimate theatre and an intimate show - you see the complex workings of a relationship in a very relatable way. Humour is laced throughout, but without jeopardising the sincerity of the piece. Shotgunned is empathetic, heartfelt, and endearing all at once. Definitely a show, and company, to watch!

***** Five stars

Reviewed by: Catriona Lamb

Shotgunned plays at The Space @ Surgeons Hall until 24 August at 7.30pm, with further info here.


Review: FIRST DATE, Old Joint Stock Birmingham


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