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Fringe review: SH!T THEATRE: OR WHAT’S LEFT OF US, Summerhall

Sh!t Theatre: Or What’s Left Of Us is a captivating blend of music, comedy, and storytelling that transports the audience to a place that feels both timeless and timely. The dynamic duo behind this production, Rebecca Biscuit and Louise Mothersole, masterfully bounce off each other, creating harmonies that are perfectly interwoven with sharp comedic moments. The balance between their singing and joking, complemented by the beautiful use of various instruments—especially guitars in folk songs—creates an immersive environment that feels like stepping into a folk pub, perhaps even one from another century.

The performers engage the audience with raw honesty, admitting that in the face of the world's chaos, they've struggled to write. Instead, they've chosen to sing—not just along, but around the troubles we all face since ‘it is possible to be desperately sad and have fun at the same time’. This spontaneity and the sense of being in the moment adds to the show's unique charm.

The story unfolds as they recount their visit to a folk club, which mysteriously burned down just a week later, with no clear culprit. They navigate through songs, legends, stories, and characters, weaving together a narrative that’s both disturbing and oddly comforting. The booze flows, the songs touch on death, and the story seems to climax with the poignant metaphor that sometimes there simply are no answers to our questions.

Special mention must be made of the stunning props and costumes, which bring this world to life and enhance the immersive experience. The performers' deep understanding and appreciation for these old songs invite reflection on the countless voices that have sung them before, echoing through time to reach us now.

The show is deeply beautiful in its embrace of the necessary discomforts that life brings, making it a memorable and moving experience. And for those wanting to extend the immersion, the duo invites the audience to join them for a sing-around after the show, bringing home the true essence of communal storytelling.

**** Four stars

Reviewed by: Beatriz Do O

Sh!t Theatre: Or What’s Left Of Us plays at Summerhall until 25 Aug, with further info here.