Fringe review: ORAN, Pleasance Courtyard

This year, Glasgow-based company Wonder Fools brings their first production to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Combining spoken word, lyrical storytelling, and a dynamic electronic score, Óran depicts the odyssey of a man who must rescue his best friend, Euan, from the Underworld. Should he arrive, Hades might grant him the chance to lead his friend home…but at what cost?

The piece is a modern retelling inspired by the Greek myth of Orpheus. Written by Owen Sutcliffe, the show is cleverly constructed and brought to life by director Jack Nurse. At the helm is Óran, played by Robbie Gordon, who soundscapes the show live, with music by VanIves and Ben Deans.

To say the show is immersive is an understatement. From the moment you enter the small Portakabin-like theatre called the Baby Grand, you are engulfed in the performance. Gordon’s charm and charisma are evident as he engages the audience by asking them to draw pictures, recite lines, and use their phones to create the immersive world they are about to experience. Be warned, the show is rather overwhelming to the senses. Between the bellowing sound, harsh LED lights, and Gordon moving through every inch of the space, it could prove too intense for some.

In 60 minutes, it feels like there’s a lot of storytelling to fit in, leaving no chance for the audience to disconnect. However, Gordon’s presence is engaging, and the story is moving. In the final moments, the piece makes an utterly unexpected twist. The inclusion of heavy themes such as online harassment combined with the intense technical aspects might leave you feeling perplexed upon leaving the theatre.

Overall, the show is excellently written by Sutcliffe, and Gordon performs with sheer passion and commitment. It is unapologetic in the storytelling of its themes and still has moments of humour laced throughout.

Óran won’t be for everyone - you will either love it or hate it - but if you’re in the mood for something different, it’s the show for you.

*** Three stars

Reviewed by: Catriona Lamb

Òran plays at Pleasance Courtyard at 3.15pm daily until 25 August (not 5th,12th,19th). For more info, please click here.


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