Fringe review: IN DEFIANCE OF GRAVITY, Summerhall

In Defiance of Gravity is a wild and trippy ride through the Russian aristocracy, following the misadventures of Ezra Montefiore, an opium-addicted psychic who might be a genuine medium, a fraud, or just a complete mess. As Ezra meddles in the marriage of Prince Felix Yusupov and his wife Irina, he finds himself caught in a web of deceit, forced to choose between revealing himself as a con artist or resorting to murder. The show is a fascinating exploration of faith, deception, and the lengths one might go to keep both intact.

Laurel Marks shines as a master of multi-rolling, effortlessly shifting between characters and bringing laughs with her sharp, specific mannerisms. Her portrayal of the wickedly blunt Mrs. Guppy is a highlight, and when she transitions to the character of Irena, she offers a brilliant performance, especially in her nuanced portrayal of a drunk grieving wife. It's a masterclass in subtlety and precision that adds depth to the production.

The show hints at its dangerous and tumultuous progression with lines such as "we all have our demons and it’s time to face yours," setting the stage for the dark and supernatural journey that follows. The dialogue is organic, flowing naturally between the strong trio of actors, and the chemistry among them is palpable. Ezra's "possessions" are surprisingly believable, with clear distinctions between his persona when he's "working" as a psychic and when he's not. Felix's journey is particularly compelling, building to a climactic and satisfying conclusion.

The supernatural elements are effectively brought to life through excellent lighting and sound design, creating an eerie and immersive atmosphere. The show's unconventional narrative, with its flawed and morally ambiguous characters, keeps the audience guessing and questioning who to root for.

While there are some jump scares and surprises that enhance the show, fans of the supernatural might find themselves wishing for even more of these elements. However, the balance struck by the production is still effective, leaving the audience engaged and on edge. The fact that the show is inspired by a true story, as detailed in Lost Splendour by Felix Yusupov, adds an extra layer of fascination to the narrative.

Overall, In Defiance of Gravity is a gripping and unconventional theatrical experience that blends humour, suspense, and the supernatural with great success. With strong performances and a story that keeps you on your toes, it’s a show well worth seeing.

**** Four stars

Reviewed by: Beatriz Do O

In Defiance of Gravity plays at Summerhall until 26 Aug, with further info here.


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