West End Best Friend

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Edinburgh local brings the undead to the Fringe in the award winning LIVING A LITTLE

Edinburgh-born local Finlay Bain is returning to the Fringe this year with his award winning comedy-drama play Living a Little, directed by Jordan Murphy (Sunset Boulevard, Royal Albert Hall).

Without a zombie in sight, we are taken into a sanctuary of normality whilst the outside world rots. The play questions what it is to be alive; to be human, and what you would do if you thought today was your last.

In a secure and stockpiled flat, complete with a TV, a sound system, video games, and enough alcohol to host a Scottish wedding, we meet best mates Rob, an ill-mannered, politically incorrect Scottish lad, and Paul, a very chirpy, kind-hearted Northerner.

The arrival of battle hardened Penelope is the catalyst of the piece as she challenges their way of life whilst seeking the relative comfort and safety she needs, after living out in the wild of a zombie apocalypse.

Since Living a Little started in 2016, it has played at the VAULT Festival, where it picked up the Origins Award for Outstanding New Work, and then transferred to the King’s Head Theatre in London. It’s now back home, in a prime time slot, in the heart of the Fringe, where it hopes to continue to wow critics and audiences alike.

Artistic Director of Riot House Theatre and writer Finlay Bain said: "I’m delighted be back at the Fringe with Living a Little. To perform in the city I’m from, live in - and love – is incredible. The responses that Living a Little has received in past have been unbelievable, and myself and the team are extremely excited to hear the laughs and gasps again, and to see our work appreciated each night.”

Director Jordan Murphy said: “Finlay has written a captivating script filled with wit, colourful characters and powerful meaning. Living a Little pushes the boundaries of friendship and love throughout its hilarious and touching dialogue, which creates an energetic storyline that really gives the audience something to sink their teeth into.”

Living a Little will play at Underbelly Cowgate from 4-28 August (not 16) at 6.55pm, with tickets available here.