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Ecological politics brought to life in new drama YELLOWFIN at Southwark Playhouse

Fiercely original new play, Yellowfin, fuses politically charged drama with biting comedy, and will receive its world premiere at Southwark Playhouse from 13 October-6 November 2021.

Yellowfin delves into the backroom dealings of a future in which all of the world’s fish have inexplicably vanished.  This production marks a new collaboration between two rising  stars, writer Marek Horn (Wild Swimming) and director Ed Madden (A Table Tennis Play; Lemons  Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons). 

In a committee room on Capitol Hill, three senators question a man on suspicion of illegally  trading rare marine commodities. He swears he abandoned the black market years ago, but his  interrogators aren’t so sure. Yellowfin is a dazzling study of power and how far people will go to  defend it.  

Set in a world which is adapting to a ‘new normal’ of its own, this production offers a timely insight into our sense of citizenship and responsibility to the planet. Horn’s play combines the  epic scope of an ecological parable with the detail of four finely-drawn character studies to take a hard but playful look at the world around us and the people who govern it. Yellowfin explores  the limits of science and the power of myths, and asks: why must we always search for answers?  

The full creative team includes set and costume designer Anisha Fields, lighting designer Rajiv Pattani and sound designer Max Pappenheim.

Writer Marek Horn said: “I wrote Yellowfin several years ago. Whereas once it seemed like  an outlandish dystopian satire, it has since morphed into something more closely resembling  documentary theatre. It is a play which director Ed Madden and I have long wanted to see on stage, so I'm delighted that it has found its moment. I know that along with the talented team of  designers that he's assembled, Ed is sure to do justice to a play which is very dear to my heart. I  simply can't wait for people to see what they do with it.”

Director Ed Madden added: “Yellowfin is a major achievement by a singular writer; richly surprising and with a style all its own, it is exactly the kind of theatrical challenge that made me want to become a director. Having been postponed from dates last autumn, I am hugely grateful to the producers and Southwark Playhouse for their continued commitment to the production, and can’t wait to get into the rehearsal room.”

For more information and to book tickets, please click here.