Culture Secretary reiterates government’s position around reopening theatres


Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden has taken to Twitter recently to speak more about the government’s position when it comes to hopes for reopening the country’s theatres, stating that there are no broad-stroke plans to cancel performances into next year. 

The MP has reiterated his stance on planning to reopen theatres as soon as it is feasible, stating that “we want performances back on as safely as we can”. He also wrote on Twitter that he was working on setting a restart date with “fuller audiences” – though this is not yet set-in stone. 

Due to a second national lockdown, performances were once again halted in early November, with the assumption being that, when the country returns to the ‘tier’ system put in place earlier this autumn, theatres should be able to reopen with social distancing measures in place. It is believed that the tier system should return from 2 December, depending on the status of the ‘R’ number. 

Many shows are hoping that this is the case and that they can reopen again with their planned productions in early December. This update comes as good news for many, especially many freelancers who, since they have not qualified for the government-backed SEISS, may be able to find some sort of work soon. 

Hopeful news Besties!

Rebecca Wallis

Rebecca is a self-confessed theatre obsessive, with a particular love for musicals. She has loved writing for as long as she can remember and combining this love with her passion for theatre has been one of the best decisions she’s ever made. She is currently studying journalism, with hopes of making her theatre blogging into a career one day. Her favourite ever musical is Half A Sixpence, and she could tell you anything that you could ever want to know about that show. She is honoured to be a part of the West End Best Friend team and cannot wait to see how the page grows and grows.


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