Alphabetti to premiere two new shows this summer


Alphabetti Theatre has announced that it will be premiere two new shows in the summer titled Pause and Sucking Eggs, both live and online. 

Pause is an uplifting story about love, film, comfort and escapism, and is a coming-of-age tale which follows Wallace as her independent video store is threatened in the late 90’s by the arrival of Blockbusters. 

Paula Penman will play the role of Wallace in the show, penned by award-winning writer Laura Lindow (Woven Bones, Cap-a-Pie), which runs from 6 – 17 July. Directed by Mark Calvert, the tale was inspired by finding comfort in films during lockdown and plays homage to classic films such as Jaws and Shawshank Redemption. 

Director Mark Calvert said: “During lockdown, with time on our hands, Paula and I reached back into the comfort of all the films we’d watched a hundred times before as they let us escape. This led us to start to create a show about ‘escaping’ through our screens, and so Wallace and her independent video shop, Stellar Vision was born. Pause is an hour of vicariously living your life through Hollywood while in a small working-class town in Clackmannanshire!”

Alphabetti Theatre has also worked in partnership with Newcastle University to present Sucking Eggs by Steve Byron until 26 June; a kitchen sink drama that looks at siblings Peter and Maggie and how they navigate ageing with grace and caring for their mother. 

For more information, please click here.


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