Almeida Theatre announces professional cast for THE KEY WORKERS CYCLE

The Almeida Theatre have announced the professional cast joining the previously announced eighty strong community company for The Key Workers Cycle, a cycle of nine new plays celebrating the stories of those who keep our daily lives running.

The professional cast includes: Doreene Blackstock and Jonny Kahn in The Teachers’ Play; Jason Barnett and Bill Milner in The Funeral Directors’ Play; Phoebe Naughton and Saroja-Lily Ratnavel in The Social Care Workers’ Play; Samuel Gosrani and Finty Williams in The Refuse Collectors’ Play; Jennifer Lim and Nisha Nayar in The Midwives’ Play; Ṣọpẹ́ Dìrísù and Billy Howle in The Delivery Drivers’ Play; Jennifer Joseph and Nicole Hall in The Women’s Centre Workers’ Play; Saida Ahmed, Liv Hill and Gloria Obianyo in The Supermarket Worker’s Play; and Charlie Folorunsho and Evlyne Oyedokun in The TFL Workers’ Play.

They will perform alongside eighty local community participants and key workers, such as teachers, doctors, cleaners, support workers and delivery drivers, with ages ranging from 16 to 96. 

The production, in partnership with All Change, Clean Break and Graeae, features nine short plays divided into three parts running from 9-12 March.

For more information and to book tickets, please click here.


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